Monday, July 31

British Columbia Trip Part 2: Vancouver Island

After we'd spent a few days in Vancouver, we took a ferry to Vancouver Island and headed to Butchart Gardens. They were heaven on earth and made my garden at home look so pitiful I just want to rip everything out and hire someone else to do it for me (not happening). But John did buy me a few seed packets and they're sitting in my basement cellar waiting until next spring to be planted. Maybe then I'll have some glorious hollyhocks and delphinium of my own. My black thumb is doubtful.IMG_3434 IMG_3433 IMG_3439 IMG_3445 IMG_3450 IMG_3456 IMG_3462
My dream house has columns in the front, a wrap-around porch, plenty of climbing roses, and lily pond out back with big pink flowers like in the next photo. Basically picture Southern Plantation meets English countryside. I'm not asking for a lot here. ;)IMG_3486
After we spent the afternoon at Butchart Gardens we drove up the coast to Nanaimo and spent the night. The next day we went to Pipers Lagoon Park, which is basically just gorgeous rocky shoreline running up to evergreen forests. I loved it and could have stayed longer but everyone else was cold. IMG_3501 IMG_3503 IMG_3507 IMG_3508
Not sure what was going on in this picture but I like it.IMG_3512 IMG_3513 IMG_3514 IMG_3516 IMG_3520 IMG_3529 IMG_3533 IMG_3536 IMG_3543 IMG_3544 IMG_3545
We spent the afternoon in Victoria. I loved seeing the British influence there, especially since I did a study abroad in London and I think Queen Victoria is fascinating. Our first stop was Fisherman's Wharf. IMG_3557 IMG_3558 IMG_3561
These homes were all floating right on the water.
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Everett was a champion eater on the trip and had fish for every meal (served with healthy portions of lemon and tartar sauce, because obviously he's my child). It almost makes me cry happy tears because one of my life goals is to raise adventurous, unpicky eaters (he's snacking on sharp cheddar as I write this because who needs string cheese when you can eat something that actually has FLAVOR).  John and Jared ordered a few types of sushi we'd never tried before and let's just say sushi by the ocean is always a good idea. IMG_3573 IMG_3579 IMG_3582 IMG_3609 IMG_3613
After we finished at Fisherman's Wharf we explored downtown Victoria. We found a little boutique called Violette where John insisted on buying me the daintiest rose moissanite ring from Hart + Stone. It's such a sweet reminder of a beautiful city. I love that guy.

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