Monday, July 6

taking stock

I’ve seen this on a few different blogs and loved it. I also modified it and got rid of a few of the prompts. . . because if I have to spend more than 5 seconds thinking about the answer it’s way too much work.

barbecue Making: a mental note to unclog the drain in our sink asap (aka adding one more thing to the honey-do list)
Cooking: Johns favorite pasta e fagioli knock-off from a certain not-so-authentic Italian restaurant. Oh and garlic bread because that’s his love language
Drinking: water. Because what else do I ever drink? #pickiestdrinker
Reading: Northanger Abbey. Mostly because I was an English major and never picked it up in college. Oh the guilt
Wanting: my husband to come to bed (but hes helping my dad and brother roll up the carpet in our flooded basement so I guess I shouldnt complain)
Looking: at my new favorite painting we picked up in Guatemala
Wishing: that 4:45 AM didnt come so early. You’re the worst, fitness class
Enjoying: our final season of White Collar
Waiting: for my blueberries growing in the backyard to ripen (and trying to beat the birds to them)
Liking: that I can spot crawdads now when I walk around the lake
Wondering: if we’ll make it to a drive-in movie and a farmers market before fall is here. Having opposite days off is the best
Loving: the happy-13-months-of-marriage-i-love-you text I got today
Hoping: people stop with the fireworks. Its two days past the 4th and the dog cant handle it anymore, dang it
Marveling: at how good my hot wheat cereal topped with sliced peaches, walnuts, and honey was this morning
Needing: more sleep
Smelling: my favorite kekemomo lemon sugar candle . . . Im pretty sure this is what heaven will smell like
Wearing: Johns basketball shorts because every item of clothing I own is in the washing machine
Noticing: what a disaster our bedroom is. Time for a deep cleaning I guess
Thinking: it’s about time we headed over to Tsunami again for sushi
Feeling: hungry. Trying to exercise the willpower to not snack at 10:30 at night . . . 
Bookmarking: peach cobbler recipes for our past-their-prime peaches
Giggling: that John is convinced that all his dirty socks should be neatly rolled into pairs before he throws them in the hamper. Actually Im not giggling. I hate spending extra time unrolling them. Take note, sweetheart

What has everyone else been up to lately?

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