Eating: the best grapefruit ever that John got at work for Christmas and insists he doesn't want
Drinking: mostly water from my Yeti (best thing ever, it keeps my water ice cold from morning until night)Reading: The Woman on the Orient Express and so far I'm really liking it
Wanting: this freezing rain to turn into snow. Nobody likes cold rain, seriously
Looking: at pictures of my baby (all day every day #momlife)
Wishing: my gifts would magically wrap themselves. Am I the only one that hates wrapping presents?
Enjoying: the giggles Everett is giving us occasionally these days
Waiting: for Christmas to be here in TWO MORE DAYS
Dreaming: about our upcoming Andersen Family Reunion in Lake Powell next summer. Everett has the cutest teeny-tiny lifejacket (which was of course gifted to him by my parents at my baby shower because summer=Lake Powell)
Liking: that the pants I bought a month after having a baby are basically falling off me at this point. FINALLY I'M SHRINKING. Unfortunately there's still quite a bit to go
Wondering: why Everett has decided he can only sleep for two hours at night before he needs to eat?
Loving: the new floors John's been installing in our kitchen and living room (so so pretty and SO much better than our old orange-y laminate)
Hoping: we can squeeze in a few more Christmas movies before Sunday
Marveling: that it was one year ago next week that we discovered we were having a baby
Needing: to finish our 2016 Coles Family Album
Smelling: fresh Christmas tree + cinnamon wall plug-in (a throwback to last year but it's still true)
Wearing: scarves! boots! aka all the good stuff
Noticing: that my wedding ring fits well again. Swollen pregnancy fingers, I don't miss you
Thinking: Kindle Unlimited is the greatest thing to happen to me this month
Feeling: all-around, perfect contentment
Bookmarking: all the kitchens . . . kitchen facelift, I hope you aren't too far awayFeeling: all-around, perfect contentment
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